Announcement of CFPF 2019


  The world today is undergoing complex and profound changes. Exchanges and integration between different countries, regions and cultures have become the trend of the era. In May 2017, the Belt and Road Summit was successfully held in Beijing, providing the Chinese experience for regional cooperation in wider range and at higher deeper levels, for enhancing international cultural exchanges and mutual learning, and for creating a model of open, inclusive, balanced and mutually beneficial international cooperation.

  Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT) is uniquely positioned to become a world-class center of excellence in the broadly-defined chemical industry. Seizing the opportunity to build first-class disciplines, the university focuses on national priorities in "new materials,resources, environment, energy and health”. It has created a scientific system that improves the efficiency, greenness, and performance of material transformation, and integrated chemical engineering and technology, chemistry,materials science and engineering, power engineering and engineering thermo-physics, control science and engineering, thus forming key disciplinary clusters in green chemistry and materials, in order to achieve cross-disciplinary development in the entire chain “from molecules to plants”.

  BUCT has always attached great importance to the introductionand cultivation of excellent young talents who play a fundamental role in the intellectual support for “Double-First Class” initiative. In order to match with the young talents strategy of BUCT and further accelerate the internationalization of postgraduate education, the 3rdChinese-Foreign Postgraduate Exchange Forum ceremoniously returns in time.

  Hot issues, new progresses, opportunities and challengesin the green chemistry and materials will be put forward and discussed in the forum. Right at the moment of the 70th anniversary celebration of the People"s Republic of China, the forum is also expected to be a remarkable gift.


  Department of Graduate Affairs of BUCT

  Graduate School of BUCT

  Department of International Exchange and Cooperation of BUCT

  International Education School of BUCT

  Overseas Expertise Introduction Center for Discipline Innovation(111 Center)

  Beijing Advanced Innovation Center For Soft Matter Science and Engineering

  II.Topic of the forum

  Green Chemical Engineering,Materials and Intelligent Equipment

  III.Date and Location

  Date: Oct.21th, 2019

  Location: Beijing University of Chemical Technology, No.15 East road of North 3rd Ring, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China


  i. Postgraduates from universities or institutes , Ph.D. is preferred. Relevant majors such as chemistry,chemical engineering, materials, biology and intelligent equipments are preferred. Foreign students can relax their requirements.

  ii. With enthusiasm and outstanding achievements in scientific research.

  iii. Abide by academic ethics.


  i. The forum includes oral presentation and poster communication. Applicants could choose from Oral or Poster presentation.The excellent author will be invited to make oral presentations.

  ii. For all the applicants: Both abstract and poster are required to be submitted.

  iii. The abstract should be in a MS Word file(refer to abstract template), between 500-1000 words, including title, authors and affiliations.

  iv. Poster should be PDF or EPS file format (width 90cm * height 120cm).

  v. Theme of parallel sessions

  Session I  Green Chemistry and Advanced Materials



   Session II Bioengineering and Advanced technology


   Session III Green Manufacturing and Intelligent Equipment




   i. Certificate of participation

     ii. Souvenirs

    iii. Coffee break & buffet lunch

     iv. Award certificate will be given to the excellent.

   v. Free registration fee and transportation subsidies for those not from BUCT.

   VII.Other Related Items

   i. Official language: English.

  ii. The registration will be free for all the participators. Buffet lunch and traffic subsides will be provided for the oral reporters and poster authors.

    iii. All the presentations should abide by the academic ethics. The contents of the poster must be original, no copying of others" achievements, no falsification.

   VIII.About the CFPF 2017 and CFPF 2018

   The forum provided an opportunity for the excellent postgraduates to show themselves and opened a fantastic journey of academic exchange for postgraduates. Now let"s look back at the spark of CFPF 2017 and CFPF 2018.