法国巴黎大学Hervé Galons教授来我校进行学术交流


报告题目为:   Towards selective kinase inhibitors. Elucidation of their molecular mechanism of action.


地点:逸夫会议中心 多功能厅


Hervé Galons教授 是法国国家药学科学院院士,法国巴黎大学 [Descartes]教授。Galons 教授 是法国国家药学院与天津科技大学共建的中法食品营养安全与药物化学联合实验室的外籍兼职教授。他也是法国一所药物公司 ManRosTherapeutics創始人之一。

Hervé Galons 早年毕业法国巴黎大学药物学院。于1976年获巴黎大学(十一大)博士学位。主要研究领域为激酶抑制剂的合成、作用机制研究及其作为药物进行开发的可能性,激酶抑制剂是当前药学研究的一大热点。他已发表160余篇研究论文,其中包括J. Med. Chem.等多篇论文,拥有超过10项美国、中国、欧盟授权专利。他出版两部著作,并担任国际著名药物期刊《欧洲药物化学杂志》(European Journal of Medicinal ChemistryEJMECH)的主编 (Editor-in-Chief)






The title of the presentation: Towards selective kinase inhibitors. Elucidation of their molecular mechanism of action

Time: April 11 at 2:30 P.M.

Professor Hervé Galons is an Academician of the French National Academy of Pharmacy and a professor at the University of Paris [Descartes], France.  He is the recipient of the Tianjin Thousand Talents Program.  He is a specially appointed professor at the Sino-French Joint laboratory of Food nutrition, safety and pharmaceutical chemistry, co-founded by the National Institute of Pharmacy of France and Tianjin University of Science and Technology. He is one of the founders of ManRos Therapeutics, a French drug company.  Professor Hervé Galons graduated from the School of Pharmacy, University of Paris. He received his doctorate degree from the University of Paris (Paris 11) in 1976. His main research areas include the synthesis of kinase inhibitors, the study of the mechanism of action and drug developments. Kinase inhibitors are a hot topic in current pharmaceutical research. He published more than 160 research papers, more than 10 United States, European and Chinese patents and two books. Currently, he serves as the editor-in-chief of the European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (Ejmech).

All are welcome to the presentation.