【学术报告】Gavin院士讲座——Connected Plant



Advances in process measurement sciences, automation, digital communications, cloud computing, process modeling and data science are creating new opportunities for chemical engineers to increase the performance of chemical plants. Data extracted from the plant can be used to automatically update models that are useful for enhancing process reliability, safety and operational efficiency. Examples will be given that show how Honeywell is applying fundamental principles of chemical engineering and control theory to develop new tools that our customers can use to optimize their process operations.





Gavin P. Towler, Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Honeywell Performance Materials and Technologies, Member of United States National Academy of Engineering.

Professional Activities

     Member of United States National Academy of Engineering (2015-)

     Chartered Engineer (C.Eng.) and Fellow of IChemE (FIChemE)

     Fellow of AIChE with various volunteer leadership roles: Director of AIChE (2008-10), Director of AIChE Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS)(2008-10), Director of AIChE Fuels and Petrochemicals Division (2004-7); Chair, AIChE Computing and Systems Technology Division (2008); member AIChE Chemical Technology Operating Council (2002-9); Membership Committee (2004-8); Equipment Testing Procedures Committee (2003-8); Editorial advisor, Chemical Engineering Progress (2008-); Programming Chair Management Division (2010-12); Programming Chair Fuels and Petrochemicals Division (2000-2); Chairman of 2nd and 3rd AIChE International Conferences on Refinery Processing.

     Secretary (2008-10) and Trustee (2005-17) of CACHE Corporation. Member of Technical Organizing Committees of FOCAPO (2003, 2008) and FOCAPD (2004, 2009); Co-chair of FOCAPD 2014 and PSE 2018.

     Member of ACS

     Industrial Advisory Board member: University of Illinois Chicago (USA), McMaster University (Canada), KFUPM (Saudi Arabia), Texas A&M Energy Center (USA).


1984-88         ICI Scholar

1986              F.W. Grieg Prize

1987              Dr. P.M. Schuftan Prize (for best senior design project)

1987              Mobil Prize (1st in graduating class)

1988              T.R.C. Fox Prize (1st in graduating M.Eng class)

1989-92         Fulbright Scholar

1989-92         The Berkeley Fellowship

1990              Dow Teaching Prize

1995              GPA Best Paper Award

1996-98         ICI Royal Academy Fellowship

2004              UOP Jack White Sr. Technical Leadership Award

2005              IChemE Haden Freeman Award for Engineering Excellence (team award recognizing UOP commercialization of dividing wall distillation)

2009             AIChE Process Development Division Practice Award

2011             AIChE Fuels and Petrochemicals Division Award

2015             Elected to U.S. National Academy of Engineering


22 papers in refereed journals, co-author of book “Chemical Engineering Design” (Elsevier) (Two editions using US standards, one edition using EU standards, available in English, Spanish, Korean and Turkish), also chapters in 2 other books, 67 US patents issued, 16 pending.  Graduated 8 Ph.D. and 20 M.Sc. students at UMIST. Full publications list available on request.


64 granted US patents